Special Announcement

Dear Friends and Faithful Supporters:

Regular viewers may have noticed we changed the format of The Hal Lindsey Report from weekly current events to weekly teachings on the Book of Revelation and the Book of John.  These Last Days teachings will answer questions like, What direction should we go as Christians? How Do we separate truth from opinion? Who do we as Christians trust? 


The teachings were filmed from 2006 through 2009 in Palm Desert, California.  Many of you may remember, I taught before a live church audience which typically attracted standing-room only crowds. It has always been my intention to share these lessons with you, but tragically this footage was thought to be lost. Due to God’s grace and technological advances we have now been able to make these integral Biblical teaching sessions available to all.

My teachings on prophecy have always drawn interest from both Christians and non-Christians alike. The prophecies contained in these Books point us to the Last Days which are unfolding rapidly before our eyes.  I am hopeful that this series will add insight and context to your reading and true understanding of these books. So, if you are tuning in, be sure to have your notepad handy.

This year I will be celebrating my 90th birthday, God willing.  If you have parents or loved ones at 90 years old, you understand life becomes more challenging with health issues and the day-to-day grind.  It is through much prayer that I no longer accept speaking engagements, or travel, as I am lessening my work load.

My program will be on DAYSTAR each week and I will continue the postings on my website.  I am committed to the ministry to which God has called me for as long as the Lord gives me strength to do so.

I appreciate your prayers and support and I will be obedient to keep on bringing you the messages as God leads me.


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