The Bright and Glorious Hope

By Tom Gilbreath
The news is troubling. The United States appears to be intent on cultural suicide. Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal rests in the hands of a man who seems unstable. China has made world domination its goal. War rages in Europe and the Middle East. Either war could spiral quickly out of control, threatening not only those regions, but this whole, interconnected world.
In America, we depend on people who consider us their enemies for many of our necessities, including important medicines. Supply lines are long and vulnerable. We have grown dependent on increasingly advanced technology, knowing that every wrinkle of complexity adds another point of vulnerability.
Today’s doomsayers don’t walk around Times Square wearing sandwich signs saying, “The end is near.” Instead, they stand at the highest ranks of academia and government. Climatologists predict a change in the basic functioning of the earth’s atmosphere. Both political parties predict the demise of American democracy if the other side wins. And this time, they really believe it.
Sadly, for many, Bible prophecy adds to the sense of dread already permeating our society. But Bible prophecy should be a source of comfort and joy. We are eyewitnesses to the world dramatically changing itself into the end-times geopolitical shape prophesied by the Bible. This should remind everyone that the whole Bible is true and can be trusted. As the song says, “Our God reigns!”
Maybe you’re not just worried about Putin, Hamas, or Iran. Maybe you’re also worried about your neighbor who’s been sick. Or perhaps it’s you. You might feel alone, even abandoned. But in Jesus, you are never alone or abandoned. Troubled times, be they global or personal, should draw us close to God and His Word.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV), “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” 
Believers in Jesus have the sure and certain hope of heaven, but our hope is also sure and certain right now. You can face today’s challenges and tomorrow’s, and you can face them with absolute confidence in the God of your salvation.
If you have never turned to Him, then what better time than now?
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