2018 Prophetic Year In Review DVD

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PYIR2018: $17.95
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Hal Lindsey reviews the climatic implications of 2018.  In many ways, 2018 was the best year we’ve had in a long time, especially in the United States. There was a new trend toward actually building producers in the United States, instead of just importing them. As Charles Dickens said, “It was the best of times and the worst of times.” It was a year of constant rage. The moral foundation that once undergirded American liberty continued to erode.  We’ll start with the technology firms that seem to be invading every aspect of our lives. The New York Times reported on a deal Facebook made with the fellow tech giants such as Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Spotify and Netflix. Facebook allowed Microsoft Bing search engine to see the names of virtually all Facebook users friends without consent, the records show and gave Netflix and Spotify the ability to read Facebook users private messages. They made a deal to share your data with HUAWE but HUAWE has direct ties to the Chinese government and the Communist Party.  This has important end times implications. Economic uncertainty will be a major factor in bringing about a one world government and the reign of Antichrist.  Jesus warned of increased pestilence in the times before His return. Even a few years ago, no one could have foreseen a kind of pestilence that now threatens the world computer viruses. In March of 2018 Bloomberg reported, “Russian hackers has clears are conducting a broad assault on the US electric grid, water processing plants and transportation facilities and other targets in rolling attacks on some of the country’s most sensitive infrastructure. In 2013 the United Kingdom’s Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally warned the world of a coming superbug. Jesus prophesied a coming time of pestilence. The three most important powers of the Ezekiel 38 coalition are about to be in total control of Syria. That’s Russia, Iran and Turkey. The Bible describes their future attack on Israel as coming from North Syria, which sits on Israel’s northern doorstep. In Ezekiel 38:15, God speaks to Gog, the leader of Magog, a nation we know as Russia. On May 14, 2018, Israel celebrated the 70th Anniversary of rebirth as a nation. On that day, the United States finally did something promised by its Presidents for years. It officially moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s actual capital Jerusalem. The worst aggressor against the Jews in 2018 did not change from previous years. It was the United Nations. In 2018, the UN continued its onslaught of Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic actions. Romans 11:26 gives us the remarkable promise that at some point in the future all Israel will be saved. Believe in your heart He is the Son of God, just as God said and that He died and rose from the dead just as the Bible says so.

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