Tonight on The Hal Lindsey Report

I've been a student of Bible prophecy for more than five decades. I've written a few books on the subject. I've made this television program for almost 19 years (counting its years as "The International Intelligence Briefing" on TBN). Yet I'm still wide-eyed with wonder. 

Daily, I'm amazed at how precisely the predictions of the ancient prophets are falling into place. 

It was only a few years ago that the critics were saying I'd missed the mark in predicting the role Russia would play in the end-times scenario. If you remember, they confused the disintegration of the Soviet Union with the demise of Russia. 

Well, if you read the newspaper or listen to the news channels, you know that Russia is alive and well -- and gaining strength as I write these words. 

But not only is Gog actually on the scene and in the news, it is actively -- and publicly -- establishing itself as the partner and protector of Iran. Is that significant? Well, if you recall, 2,650 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel said that one day Gog and Persia -- modern day Russia and Iran -- would form an alliance that would eventually attack Israel in the first battle of Armageddon. 

Pretty exciting stuff, huh? 

Not only that, but another of the predicted four spheres of world power in the last days is quickly ascending to a prominent military role in the world. China is not only building aircraft carriers and meddling in South China Sea intrigues, but may already have an operational "carrier killer" missile. The supersonic monster flies just feet off the surface of the water and is not only lethal for aircraft carriers, but is almost impossible to stop. 

That alone could change the balance of power pretty quickly. 

And just as the "king of the north," the "king of the south," and the "kings of the east" are emerging into prominence and mounting the stage, the latter day revival of the Roman Empire continues to struggle for existence. But, beware, out of the struggle and turmoil something potent and ominous will arise. The prophets have described what will come very precisely. 

Sadly, the fulfillment of the prophets' predictions also means that our beloved nation must continue to decline. As I've often said, I find no mention of a player like America in the last days cast. Admittedly, how the U.S. is removed from its preeminent political position in the last days is speculation. Terror attack, financial collapse, judgment for its role in dividing Jerusalem, even the Rapture of many of its citizens, whatever the reason for America's absence, the fact is the Bible predicts just four spheres of global power during the Tribulation, not five. 

As time speeds away, make sure you and your family are prepared to leave this world when our Savior calls for us. None of us want to be on this earth when the 'Day of the Lord' arrives. As He did in the days of Sodom, God is withholding His judgment until the righteous are removed, but that could happen at literally any moment now. 


Don't miss this week's Report here Sunday.
God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
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